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Active Strike-Slip Faults in Tibet by R.Armijo in 1989

· active fault,earthquake,Tibet

Some beautiful sketches of geomorphic offsets and historical earthquake surface ruptures. These are on active faults in Tibet, and from Rolando Armijo's famous 1989 paper on the Tibetan strike-slip faults, published in JGR.

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And that fine 3D view of the Beng Co pull-apart, a sketch drawn by our own excellent graphist, Joël Dyon, now infographist and at the head of IPGP's Com' and outreach team.

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Armijo, R., Tapponnier, P., & Han, T. (1989). Late Cenozoic right‐lateral strike‐slip faulting in southern Tibet. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 94(B3), 2787-2838.