From landscape view to simple tectonic interpretation. I display below few examples taken from the northwestern Alps (Bornes-Aravis ranges, west of Geneva and Annecy).
And then the cross-section interpretation (A, B, C refer to the same elements on the landscape sketch and on the cross-section)
To teach tectonics in the field I prefer to draw very simple sketches. The idea is to focus on the main structural elements that are clearly visible by the students. I choose not drawing second order features difficult to see in the landscape, like small minor faults, or those that are not so important for the tectonic interpretation.
Also, on those basic sketches I do not integrate any large-scale tectonic interpretation that cannot be immediately deduced from the observation. But I will focus further discussion on such broader, sometimes more physical, interpretation, using other sketches if necessary. Examples below:
Where is it ?
To enjoy the landscapes illustrated above, take the foot-path from Cenise to the Rochers de Leschaux; one hour walk. Cenise is at the top end of a very small road climbing up the mountain above Le Petit Bornand (rather difficult drive). Le Petit Bornand is at 35km from Geneva.